Large brands use this hack to win deals!
Learn a secret hack B2B brands use to bag 6 figure deals
Hey there,
Before we get into this week’s hack, we have a question for you.
Haven’t you felt that when many popular CEOs and leaders talk openly about powerful growth strategies, they still keep a few to themselves to ensure that their competition doesn’t crack the code that they have?
Many say that in the era of dark social and demand generation, you need to give everything away. But the truth is that gurus and thought leaders don’t reveal their biggest growth secrets. The hack we are discussing today is one such.
This involves creating multi-touch campaigns using a combination of EMAIL and PAID ADS.
Source: Engagebay
Wondering how that is possible? We will explain.
We all know that an average B2B buyer has at least 7 to 8 (or more) touchpoints with a business before he/she even talks to the sales team. This is the reason why marketers today need to take an omnichannel approach. They need to use a combination of SEO, social media, video marketing, paid ads, email, etc., to grab the attention of prospects.
Of these, emails and ads are targeted efforts. The mistake most B2B growth marketers make is that they look at these channels in isolation. But what if you run simultaneous campaigns across these two channels targeting the same set of people and accounts?
For example, imagine that you are running an outbound email marketing campaign that is sales-driven to your TAL (Target Account List). In parallel (or even 1 or 2 months before starting the email campaign), you can run LinkedIn ads focused on creating brand awareness to the same accounts by defining the right designations (since you can’t target specific people on LinkedIn).
This helps to create multiple touchpoints with your target accounts at the same time. It improves brand familiarity and hence enhances the chances of getting better results from the email marketing campaign you run.
You can apply the same tactic within your email marketing campaigns too. Here’s how you do it:
A few weeks before you start your outbound sales-driven email campaign (we would recommend a minimum of 7 to 8 weeks), start sending regular educational emails to them. Something like a newsletter is a great way to do this (and it is needless to say that the content has to be world-class).
Once you think they are warmed up enough, start your outbound marketing separately (while you still continue the newsletter campaigns).
You can combine this with LinkedIn ads if you have the budget. This way, you are more likely to get a response or demo booked from your email campaigns compared to using email as the first touchpoint.
Now, here’s a bonus tip.
When you run your outbound campaigns, you can prioritize (and personalize) those who opened or clicked your newsletter campaigns so that you focus more of your energy on warmed-up prospects.
And there is more.
As you do this, make sure to include multiple people in the same prospect organization (decision makers and influencers in particular). This improves the familiarity of your brand at multiple layers of the prospect organization.
This is a hack many B2B companies with large ticket size use to win even multi-million dollar deals.
That’s it for the week. If you loved the hack, do give it a try. If you already have an ABM (Account Based Marketing) program in place, this hack should definitely be a part of it.
Article of the week
Starting this week, we will be including a thought leadership article with every edition of the newsletter. Here is this week’s pick:
Top B2B Content Marketing And SEO Trends To Watch Out For In 2024
As always, until we meet next time, keep growing!